Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Someone is crawling!

Bailey took a turn for the worse this morning, so I spent the day tending to William as well as worrying about Bailey, cleaning up eight vomiting episodes (and running out of towels), and making a trip to the oncologist where they tested to find out that her white cells were low low low (she's home overnight, no food or water until tomorrow, a 3 a.m. antibiotic dose, and if she is not back to "normal" by tomorrow, back to the oncologist she goes). When Nang came home from work, he took William upstairs to give me a break while I cooked dinner. He came down a little while later and casually said, "Did you know that he's crawling for real now?"

And suddenly, the day didn't seem so bad after all.


  1. CONGRATS to the Ngo's! What an exciting day! :) I'm saying prayers that Bailey feels better....

  2. sending well wishes for Bailey! and yay for william he'll be getting into everything now!

  3. i love how he looks at you the first time you squeal as if to say "what?! i do this all the time!".... and i see you guys got him a brush!
