Friday, February 10, 2012


Discipline is not our strong suit. I think Nang's too harsh and inconsistent, and Nang knows I'm too lenient...uhhh....caring, so the beginning of February marked a foray into a new discipline strategy: time-outs. William tends to have fits when we are otherwise occupied, most often in the kitchen while we try to cook, so the time-out area has been by the garage door - slightly separated from the hubbub of activity but within sight, so we can make sure he stays put.

Sensing our change in discipline strategy, William decided to put us through our paces on the very first night of the month. Here's how it went down:
Trying out Ba's running shoes

Learning how to make a fish face

Fish face accomplished

Temper tantrum censored to avoid offending any sensitive readers. It was a pacifier-flinging, scream-bringing, whammy of a fit!

Ahhh....William's first time-out

Time-outs have been followed by, "William, tell Ba/Mama you are sorry for , and give Ba/Mama a hug. OK, now go play." We're still a little unclear on when a time-out should be finished - when he stops crying? looks less demonic? tells us it is finished? All a work in progress!

1 comment:

  1. Super Nanny says it's over after a predetermined amount of quiet still time. Shorter periods for smaller children.
