And we thought coming up with William’s name was difficult!
In the blog, I refer to my grandmother, William’s great grandmother as Grandmama (Eva), and my mom, William’s grandmother as Grandma. The promotion from parents to grandparents that comes with the new generation confuses my brain, but Will can’t call my parents Mom and Dad just to ease my slow uptake!
Nang’s family defaulted to the established Chinese name for great grandmother and Vietnamese names for the rest of his family, but arriving at the grandparent names for my parents has been a journey of trial and error. Nang and I wanted them to choose their own grandmother and grandfather names, but we tossed around a few ideas and presented our feedback on theirs situation. Options mentioned for grandfather were: Grandbob, Papa, Grandpa, Granddad, and Grumps (this is the “grandpa” name my brother and his wife use for my dad with their dog children). In the running for grandmother: Grandma, Mimsy, Ditzy, Mimi (the name my younger cousins called my mom), and Grandmother (stealing the idea from one of my mom’s friends to get the child’s pronunciation of “Grandmother” and use that so it may be Gamama or something similar). Grandma has spoke - Mimi it is! Any decisions Grandpa?