Thursday, August 26, 2010

Babe in toyland

William was in a teething tizzy this morning. He has an everyday teething chewy that he likes, but today seemed to warrant something a little more special (it is Thursday after all), and I remembered that Sandy gave him Sophie the Giraffe before he was born. I had never heard of Sophie, but apparently she is THE teething toy coveted by babies around the world! She had been living on one of the framed alphabets in his was the day to bring it down. Even with all of my stage mom directions, he was a little consumed by showing off how high he can lift his head now, but got down to business toward the end of this little video.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First shower

On Sunday we discovered that William looooooves showers…in a different way than he looooooves his baths. When no one is home to entertain The Willdebeest, I rush to get in and out of my shower before he gets bored and fussy lying on a blanket with Bailey or sitting in his bouncy chair in our bathroom. On Sunday, I wasn’t ready to get out, so I brought him in with me. He seemed to hate the experience initially, but the longer we stood there, the calmer and calmer he got. Tonight, Nang gave him a shower instead of his normal nighttime bath, and Will’s sereneness was obvious.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

5 months old

William is 5 months old today. Baby Paige is in this photo with him, and she was just 5 hours old when Nang took this picture. I cannot believe how far he has come - I can't believe how far we've all come!
  • Will started rolling back to front this week (and perfecting his front to back technique).
  • He's officially cut his 2 bottom teeth. I blame Kristina's babysitting skills...he went to her all gummy and came back with a tooth and a half!
  • Baby Will can grab not one, but TWO feet at the same time. When I watch him sleep at night (stalker!), he practices this new skill in his footed pajamas to soothe himself.
  • We've started adding rice cereal to some of his feedings. Solid food. Ech.
  • Will's becoming quite a talker. He has days of constant talking - to himself, to me and Nang, to Bailey, to his feet, his toys, and the remote control.
  • He's been sucking and chewing on his fingers for awhile now, but he's found his thumb. Sometimes when he sucks on his thumb, he also finds a way to get a finger up a nostril.
  • William is getting a kick out of Bailey. He watches her walk around, squeals in glee when she licks him, and reaches to grab her face and ears when she gets close enough and stays still enough for him to make contact.