How loud should the monitor be?
Whose side should it be on? (The answer to this one was Nang’s side – he has the easy-to-access electrical outlet.)
Should Will’s door be open or closed?
When he wakes up during the night, where’s the best place to feed him?
Can I sneak him into our room to feed him in our bed (and take advantage of the tv)?
Is he going to freak out when he wakes
up in the unfamiliar nursery?
Should we leave a light on in his room? Or in the hallway?
Is this a good time to recruit Nang to help with one of the night feedings?
Hmmmm….we were in for an interesting night!
Now is a good time to introduce the original Baby Ngo – Miss Bailey, our seven-year old bull terrier. Bailey-dog has been Will’s constant companion since he got home from the hospital. She follows whomever holds Will to ensure the precious cargo’s safety, and greets him in his baby seat as soon as we bring him in the door and deposit the carrier on the floor. And while we do not leave her alone with William, she has done nothing to cause us to worry about their relationship.
Bailey had the roughest night of us all on Will’s first night in the nursery. William only woke up twice during the night (hallelujah – he may be getting back to sleeping through the night). Bailey woke up THREE TIMES in the night, twice with emergency diarrhea (luckily she panted loud enough for me to hear, let her out of her crate, and then follow her lead as she hightailed it downstairs to the back door) and once with a stomach evacuating vomiting episode in her crate. Nang bundled her crate bedding into a ball and asked me if he should put it in the washer (with all of the chunky goodness still stuck to the blankets…no) or just throw it all away. I hope he realizes that dogs aren’t the only ones who vomit on inconvenient objects.
these are great pics... except i really wish will was gnawing on bailey's paw in the first one instead of his own!